Quantum Botanicals & Flower Essences – Bonny Casel – School of Natural Medicine – Immediate Download!
Participate in the Quantum Botanicals and Flower Essences Course taught by Bonny Casel at the School of Natural Medicine to gain an understanding of the therapeutic potential of the natural world.
During this life-changing class at the School of Natural Medicine, which is taught by the highly regarded Bonny Casel, you will get the opportunity to completely submerge yourself in the entrancing realm .
In order to achieve a state of mental, physical, and spiritual equilibrium, it is important to investigate the profound healing potential of plants, flowers, and essences.
In order to guide you through the marvels of quantum botany, it is highly recommended that you seek the guidance , a well-regarded expert in the field of holistic health and natural medicine. Bonny brings a vast amount of knowledge and experience to the table.
This is the essence of healing with nature.
thorough Curriculum:
Immerse yourself in a thorough curriculum that guides you through the process of generating and utilizing floral essences, gaining an understanding of plant energies, and improving your skills as a Quantum Botanicals practitioner.
With the hands-on experience, you will have the opportunity to participate in practical exercises, case studies, and hands-on applications, which will enable you to use your newly acquired knowledge in your own practice or a job in holistic health.
Course Topics
- Mind Maps
- What is Matter
- Euclidian/Newtonian Science
- Scientific Method/Planck/Einstein/Quantum
- Physicias/Mandelbrot Set/Holographic Universe/Fractal Potential
- How does matter communicate?
- Electromagnetic Energy
- How do cells communicate?
- Self organisation & emergent behaviours
- Left/Right brain hemisphere dynamics
- Heart Math/Heart Brain Entrainment
- Intuition
- Felt Sense
- Metta Practice
- Plant Consciousness
- Darwin & Botany
- History of Plants as Medicine
- How Plants Communicate
- Direct Perception Plant Communication
- Physical and Subtle Bodies
- Etheric Body
- Emotional/Pain Body
- Mental Body
- Spiritual Body/Consciousness
- Bulleted List Item
- Sub-Conscious/Collective Unconscious
- Relationship between Mind, Emotions and Physical Body
- Candace Pert – the effect of emotions on molecular/cell behaviour
- What is Vibrational Medicine
- What is Health?
- What is Disease?
- Natural Laws
- Early development of Homeopathy
- Elemental energetics – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether
- Why Water?
- Ayurvedic Chakras & Emotions
- Bach Flower Remedies
- History of Dr. Edward Bach
- Early development of the Bach Flower Remedies
- Bach – 12 Healers
- Bach – 4 + 3 Helpers
- Bach – 19 Situation Remedies
- Flower Essences in Practice
- Patterns of Behaviour – mental/emotional imbalances play out through individual constitutional strenghts and weaknesses in disease creation
- Flower Essences – Acute and Chronic approaches to treatment
- Flower Essences and depression, fear, anxiety, exhaustion, trauma/PTSD, abuse, addiction, life direction, etc.
- Developing empathy and compassion
- Consultation skills
- Observation and active listening
- Choosing a remedy for yourself
- Choosing a rememdy for others – conslutation, dousing, muscle testing
- Case History skills
- MYMOP patient questionnaires
- Combining vibrational modalities
- Polarity therapy and flower essences
- Floral acupuncture and the Chinese meridians
- Essential oils and flower essences
- Herbal Medicine and Quantum Healing
- Reiki and flower essences
- Sound healing and flower essences
- Colour therapy and flower essences
- Vibrational essences
- Nature Remedies & Tree Essences
- Gem, Crystal and Star Elixers
- Essence development
- Product creation/storage/hygiene/carriers/labelling/packaging
- Energy medicine chest
- Practice development
- Code of Conduct – Ethics
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